Game Info | |
Game Name: | Pokémon Adventure Green Chapter |
Console: | Game Boy Advance (GBA) |
Version: | 3.0 |
Remake By: | C067912881 |
Rom Base: | Pokémon Fire Red |
Update Date: | --- |
Status: | Beta |
Languages: | English |
Source: | Link |
Description & Story:
Pokémon Adventure Green Chapter is based on the Pokemon Adventure Manga. The game follows the manga closely with nearly all the events inside. However, some events were changed to make it longer. The fact that the game follows the manga closely, you don't get to chose your own starter Pokemon. The game follows the storyline of Green. Most of the events that happen in this game weren't shown in the manga but was implied happened.
One day, a girl from the KANTO Region was kidnapped by a mysterious FLYING Pokemon. Few years later, she returned back to KANTO only to find out her families is gone, and that KANTO is no longer what she’d remember. Enraged and Curious, she decided to investigate her the origin of the Flying Pokemon that kidnapped her. This eventually got her entwined with Team Rocket and a boy named “RED”…
Game Features:
- Story follows the story of Green
- Day & Night System
- Only girl is playable.
- No HM FLY.
- New Pokeball
- Not all Pokemon are catch-able
- Jigglypuff is the starter Pokemon.
- Red and Blue will get their default name, while you can name Silver.
- Silver debuts in this game.
- New tiles, maps, textures
- New items, trainer class
- New Pokemon sprites.
- Mega Evolutions (Blastoise, Wigglytuff, Nidoqueen, Milotic and Parasect)
- Game would have Optional events that would change the storyline.
- See the old and new Kanto.
- The main character speaks in color text.
- Several reference to the anime.
- Some trainers have special Pokemon.
- 3 new Pokemon types: Fairy, Shadow and Glitch.
- Optional events that would affect the game’s outcome.
- A bit of Hoenn and Johto Region is playable.
- Gen VI attacks are in the game.
- Primal Evolution “Cloyster”
- Pokemon Contest is playable
- Don’t focus on badge collecting.
- Able to create evolution items.
Game Screenshots:
↓Download Pokémon Adventure Green Chapter Rom Hack↓

NOTE: -Please Report Expired / Broken Links. -Recommended Emulator for GBA Games: VBA Emulator. -If you have any Problem please check our Tutorial Page. -Use latest Winrar or Winzip to extract and Get the ROM. -If your Game freezes on a white Screen at Startup , Go to Options> Emulator> Save Type, And Select '128K' Flash instead of '64K' Flash, And click Reset. |
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