Pokémon Fire Red Cheats - GameShark Codes

Pokémon Fire Red Cheats - GameShark Codes

Pokémon GameShark cheat codes revolutionized the way trainers approached their digital adventures. With these codes, players could unlock hidden features, access rare Pokémon, and even modify game mechanics. The codes were a gateway to limitless possibilities, enabling trainers to bend the rules of the Pokémon world.

GameShark codes encompassed various aspects of gameplay. Trainers could obtain unlimited master balls, rare candies, or any item they desired. Legendary Pokémon were no longer elusive, as players could encounter them effortlessly. Expanding the Pokédex became a breeze by activating codes that added unseen creatures to the collection.

The codes also provided unique experiences, such as walking through walls or flying without limitations. Trainers could warp to different locations instantly, skipping arduous journeys. The ability to modify encounter rates and encounter specific Pokémon made each playthrough personalized and exciting.

GameShark codes introduced a new dimension to competitive battles. Players gained the power to maximize their Pokémon's stats, making them unbeatable forces on the battlefield. Evolving Pokémon that required trade became accessible without needing a second console. These codes provided trainers with the means to experiment and strategize in ways never before possible.

However, GameShark cheat codes also had their drawbacks. Overusing codes could lead to glitches, crashes, or corrupted save files. Trainers had to exercise caution and use the codes judiciously to avoid unintended consequences.

In summary, Pokémon GameShark cheat codes were a game-changer for trainers, offering a vast array of possibilities and an unparalleled level of customization. They added an extra layer of excitement and exploration to the Pokémon games, leaving an indelible mark on the franchise's history.

Some tips before using any Cheat:

  • Turn off cheats after use.
  • Save your current game before activating any code.
  • Activate a maximum of 3 cheats in one game.
  • After activating a cheat ,check your backpack, if you noticed irregularities, DO NOT save the game to avoid bugging your save.

All codes are GameShark
Cheats> Cheat List then select the "Gameshark" and enter the code. These codes are compatible with the English and European versions.

Master Code

The codes do not work without the Master Code 


Infinite Money 
Everything Costs 1$ 
3C25A344 FD8F451C
AD86124F 2823D8DA
Rare Candy 
Access to your PC and Withdraw 
82025840 0044
Walk Through Walls Code
7881A409 E2026E0C
8E883EFF 92E9660D
Get all PokeBalls
Item Slot Modifier
Item Modifier Slot 1

82025C94 xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 2

82025C98 xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 3

82025C9C xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 4

82025CA0 xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 5

82025CA4 xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 6

82025CA8 xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 7

82025CAC xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 8

82025CB0 xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 9

82025CB4 xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 10

82025CB8 xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 11

82025CBC xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 12

82025CC0 xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 13

82025CC4 xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 14

82025CC8 xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 15

82025CCC xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 16

82025CD0 xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 17

82025CD4 xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 18

82025CD8 xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 19

82025CDC xxxx

Item Modifier Slot 20

82025CE0 xxxx
Item ID Codes
(Replace xxxx):
Potion 000D


Burn Heal000F

Ice Heal0010


Parlyz Heal0012

Full Restore0013

Max Potion0014

Hyper Potion0015

Super Potion0016

Full Heal0017


Max Revive0019

Fresh Water001A

Soda 001B


Moomoo Milk001D


Energy Root001F

Heal Powder0020

Revival Herb0021


Max Ether0023


Max Elixir0025

Lava Cookie0026

Blue Flute0027

Yellow Flute0028

Red Flute0029

Black Flute002A

White Flute002B

Berry Juice002C

Sacred Ash002D

Shoal Salt002E

Shoal Shell002F

Red Shard0030

Blue Shard0031

Yellow Shard0032

Green Shard0033

HP Up003F





Rare Candy0044

PP Up0045


PP Max0047

Guard Spec.0049

Dire Hit004A

X Attack004B

X Defend004C

X Speed004D

X Accuracy004E

X Special004F

Poke Doll0050

Fluffy Tail0052

Super Repel0053

Max Repel0054

Escape Rope0055


Sun Stone005D

Moon Stone005E

Fire Stone005F


Water Stone0061

Leaf Stone0062


Big Mushroom0068


Big Pearl006B


Star Piece006D


Heart Scale0078

Orange Mail0079

Harbor Mail007A


Town Map0169

VS Seeker016A

Fame Checker016B

TM Case016C

Berry Pouch016D

Teachy TV016E


Rainbow Pass0170




Powder Jar0174


PC Item Slot Modifier
PC Item Modifier Slot 1

82025840 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 2

82025844 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 3

82025848 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 4

8202584C xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 5

82025850 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 6

82025854 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 7

82025858 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 8

8202585C xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 9

82025860 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 10

82025864 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 11

82025868 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 12

8202586C xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 13

82025870 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 14

82025874 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 15

82025878 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 16

8202587C xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 17

82025880 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 18

82025884 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 19

82025888 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 20

8202588C xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 21

82025890 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 22

82025894 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 23

82025898 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 24

8202589C xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 25

820258A0 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 26

820258A4 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 27

820258A8 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 28

820258AC xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 29

820258B0 xxxx

PC Item Modifier Slot 30

820258B4 xxxx
Have All Badge+Pokedex
Instant Win against Trainer



Catch Any Pokemon

Remplace Add This and Place  83007CEE0xxx
Bulbasaur 001

Ivysaur 002

Venusaur 003

Charmander 004

Charmeleon 005

Charizard 006

Squirtle 007

Wartortle 008

Blastoise 009

Caterpie 00A

Metapod 00B

Butterfree 00C

Weedle 00D

Kakuna 00E

Beedrill 00F

Pidgey 010

Pidgeotto 011

Pidgeot 012

Rattata 013

Raticate 014

Spearow 015

Fearow 016

Ekans 017

Arbok 018

Pikachu 019

Raichu 01A

Sandshrew 01B

Sandslash 01C

Nidoran (F) 01D

Nidorina 01E

Nidoqueen 01F

Nidoran (M) 020

Nidorino 021

Nidoking 022

Clefairy 023

Clefable 024

Vulpix 025

Ninetales 026

Jigglypuff 027

Wigglytuff 028

Zubat 029

Golbat 02A

Oddish 02B

Gloom 02C

Vileplume 02D

Paras 02E

Parasect 02F

Venonat 030

Venomoth 031

Diglett 032

Dugtrio 033

Meowth 034

Persian 035

Psyduck 036

Golduck 037

Mankey 038

Primeape 039

Growlithe 03A

Arcanine 03B

Poliwag 03C

Poliwhirl 03D

Poliwrath 03E

Abra 03F

Kadabra 040

Alakazam 041

Machop 042

Machoke 043

Machamp 044

Bellsprout 045

Weepinbell 046

Victreebel 047

Tentacool 048

Tentacruel 049

Geodude 04A

Graveler 04B

Golem 04C

Ponyta 04D

Rapidash 04E

Slowpoke 04F

Slowbro 050

Magnemite 051

Magnetron 052

Farfetch'd 053

Doduo 054

Dodrio 055

Seel 056

Dewgong 057

Grimer 058

Muk 059

Shellder 05A

Cloyster 05B

Gastly 05C

Haunter 05D

Gengar 05E

Onix 05F

Drowzee 060

Hypno 061

Krabby 062

Kingler 063

Voltorb 064

Electrode 065

Exeggcute 066

Exegutor 067

Cubone 068

Marowak 069

Hitmonlee 06A

Hitmonchan 06B

Lickitung 06C

Koffing 06D

Weezing 06E

Rhyhorn 06F

Rhydon 070

Chansey 071

Tangela 072

Kangaskhan 073

Horsea 074

Seadra 075

Goldeen 076

Seaking 077

Staryu 078

Starmie 079

Mr. Mime 07A

Scyther 07B

Jynx 07C

Electabuzz 07D

Magmar 07E

Pinsir 07F

Tauros 080

Magicarp 081

Gyarados 082

Lapras 083

Ditto 084

Eevee 085

Vaporeon 086

Jolteon 087

Flareon 088

Porygon 089

Omanyte 08A

Omastar 08B

Kabuto 08C

Kabutops 08D

Aerodactyl 08E

Snorlax 08F

Articuno 090

Zapdos 091

Moltres 092

Dratini 093

Dragonair 094

Dragonite 095

Mewtwo 096

Mew 097


Chikorita 098

Bayleef 099

Meganium 09A

Cynaquil 09B

Quilava 09C

Typhlosion 09D

Totodile 09E

Croconaw 09F

Feraligatr 0A0

Sentret 0A1

Furret 0A2

Hoothoot 0A3

Noctowl 0A4

Ledyba 0A5

Ledian 0A6

Spinarak 0A7

Ariados 0A8

Crobat 0A9

Chinchou 0AA

Lanturn 0AB

Pichu 0AC

Cleffa 0AD

Igglybuff 0AE

Togepi 0AF

Togetic 0B0

Natu 0B1

Xatu 0B2

Mareep 0B3

Flaaffy 0B4

Ampharos 0B5

Bellossom 0B6

Marill 0B7

Azumarill 0B8

Sudowoodo 0B9

Politoed 0BA

Hoppip 0BB

Skiploom 0BC

Jumpluff 0BD

Aipom 0BE

Sunkern 0BF

Sunflora 0C0

Yanma 0C1

Wooper 0C2

Quagsire 0C3

Espeon 0C4

Umbreon 0C5

Murkrow 0C6

Slowking 0C7

Misdreavus 0C8

Unknown 0C9

Wobbuffet 0CA

Girafarig 0CB

Pineco 0CC

Forretress 0CD

Dunsparce 0CE

Gligar 0CF

Steelix 0D0

Snubbull 0D1

Granbull 0D2

Qwilfish 0D3

Scizor 0D4

Shuckle 0D5

Heracross 0D6

Sneasel 0D7

Teddiursa 0D8

Ursaring 0D9

Slugma 0DA

Magcargo 0DB

Swinub 0DC

Piloswine 0DD

Corsola 0DE

Remoraid 0DF

Octillery 0E0

Delibird 0E1

Mantine 0E2

Skarmory 0E3

Houndour 0E4

Houndoom 0E5

Kingdra 0E6

Phanpy 0E7

Donphan 0E8

Porygon2 0E9

Stantler 0EA

Smeargle 0EB

Tyrogue 0EC

Hitmontop 0ED

Smoochum 0EE

Elekid 0EF

Magby 0F0

Miltank 0F1

Blissey 0F2


Entei 0F4

Suicune 0F5

Larvitar 0F6

Pupitar 0F7

Tyranitar 0F8

Lugia 0F9

Ho-oh 0FA

Celebi 0FB
Wild Pokemon Caught Easily
Access All Fly to Areas
Access Your PC [Press L+Up]
Don’t see Wild Pokemon
B505db41 6e39ea4e
Press R button, EXP will be increased 

when fighting with Wild Pokemon
43d8ac45 0d3b349a
3dc869e3 D39c09b2
Have All Berries
Have All TM's
Ride Bike Over Water



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