Pokémon Battle Ultimate [Completed] (Spanish)


Pokémon Battle Ultimate [Completed] (Spanish)

Game Info
Game Name:Pokémon Battle Ultimate
Console:Game Boy Advance (GBA)
Remake By:Verskr Dark/Brock/Eu
Rom Base:Pokémon Fire Red
Release Date:2017

Description & Story:

Pokémon Battle Ultimate is based on Super Fire Red. The game is totally focused on competitive and championship-style battles with several trainers in very difficult battles, there are no badges or history, they are 100% battles. You can use between 426 Pokémon of the 1st -7th Gen already at lv 100.

The main character must fulfil several tasks in order to win the tournament and become the pokemon champion, which is the player’s primary goal. To achieve all of these objectives, you must complete all of the upcoming assignments and missions. Let’s have a look at some of the game’s outstanding features that can help you improve your playing experience.

Game Features:

  • Among the 426 Available pokemon, you have to choose 6 of the Pokemon. All of your opponent teams and rival have to choose 6 pokemon as well. Choose wisely because these battles are not easy at all, all of them are quite hard to compete.
  • Mega Evolution: There are almost 5-7 mega evolutions available from the available pokemon in the list. You can choose the mega evolutions for any pokemon at any time of the battle scene and move forward with having a good battle.
  • Battle Difficulty has been increased.
  • All Pokemon are level 100 from the start.
  • New Moves
  • New Tileset

NOTE : To start the game, Talk to Nurse Joy at the Pokemon Center, to download all Pokémon to your PC, the process may take a while, it may seem like it crashed, but wait. Talk to Verskr Dark and Brock at the Hotel, Talk to the book in the first box to put your name. (Do this in order not to crash, use game save and do not save state).

Game Screenshots:

Pokémon Battle Ultimate [Completed] (Spanish)

↓Download Pokémon Battle Ultimate Rom Hack↓


-Please Report Expired / Broken Links.
-Recommended Emulator for GBA Games: VBA Emulator.
-If you have any Problem please check our Tutorial Page.
-Use latest Winrar or Winzip to extract and Get the ROM.
-If your Game freezes on a white Screen at Startup , Go to Options> Emulator> Save Type, And Select '128K' Flash instead of '64K' Flash, And click Reset.



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