Pokémon Island [Completed] (English)

Pokémon Island [Completed] (English)

Game Info
Game Name:Pokémon Island
Remake By:FL
Size:35 MB
Release Date:---

Description & Story:

Pokémon Island , This is a game with the main pokémon RPG mechanics for the Game Boy/Nintendo DS, but with a different approach on Pokémon Island. There is a new concept of linearity for the franchise because almost nothing is essential to move forward, but still there are many challenges.

Game Features:

  • National Dex with 649 pokémon from generation 5 open from the start! All are available and if you don't delete pokémon then you can have as many copies as you want for each pokémon specie. From Bulbasaur to Genesect.
  • No GYMs or E4! Instead of them there is the Colosseum.
  • 8 Characters to choose.
  • Moves until generation 5 with some modifications in the last two generations. There is the Physical/Special division.
  • Abilities until generation 3.
  • A large majority of the items until generation 4 present and functional.
  • Graphics from generation 3 (except battle sprites).
  • No HMs! Moves like Surf, Fly and Teleport don't work outside -battle, but there are items with similar effects.
  • Only one screen.
  • There is no real time clock system.

Mini Config : 

  • Microsoft® Windows® 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista
  • Intel Pentium III 800MHz or higher
  • 128 MB RAM or higher
  • Support resolution 1024×768 High Color (24 Bit) or higher
  • DirectSound support and DirectX 8 or higher installed

Game Screenshots:

Pokémon Island [Completed] (English)

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